Summer Camp Registration

  • Please indicate the weeks your child will attend Camp
  • $0.00
  • Important Notes:
    • Camp is only available for properties in “good standing” with the Association. Camp is located at the Mill Pond Sports Complex for the entire 8 weeks.
    • Number of campers is limited, enrollment is on a first come, first served basis.
    • Registration is open only to members in good standing (and/or their tenants).
    • Payment by credit card will be made at the end of this Registration Form.
    • Registration must be made by 4:00pm on the Friday before the chosen camp week(s).
    • Child must be signed in/out each day by the parent or guardian indicated below.
    • Camper drop-off time is 8:30 am; Camper pick-up time is no later than 4:00 pm.
    • We reserve the right to remove a participant from the program if Saw Creek Estates policies and/or Day Camp requirements are not followed.
    • No exceptions to the terms and conditions stated herein; no refunds or prorated fees.
  • Primary Contact Information

  • Participant Information:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Day Camp is for designed for children ages 5-12 years old. Parent/Guardian may be required to provide age verification documents with camper enrollment. The child must be 5 years old at the start of camp on June 17th, 2024.
  • Emergency Contact Information (ICE):

    Please list two (2) additional contacts, to be used if the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
  • Assumption of Risk & Release of Liability

  • In consideration of the above named child (Camper) being permitted to participate in the Saw Creek Estates Summer Day Camp program, I/We, the undersigned, being the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the Camper, on my/our own behalf and on behalf of the Camper, hereby acknowledge and agree that we fully understand and appreciate the risk of injury involved to the Camper by participating in various camp activities.

    We understand and acknowledge that such activities, whether or not they are listed in the camp literature, on this form or elsewhere, including but not limited to swimming, sporting activities and games have increased risk of injury associated with them and that Saw Creek Estates Community Association cannot guarantee that the participants, equipment, premises and/or activities will be completely free of hazards. I/We nevertheless hereby release, waive and release Saw Creek Estates Community Association, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives from all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage, and any claims or demands on account of injury to the Camper in any way related to or arising from Camper’s participation in the Saw Creek Estates Summer Day Camp program.

    I/We, being the undersigned parent or legal guardian hereby authorize Saw Creek Estates Community Association, its officers, employees, agents and representatives to consent to any medical assistance, first aid or other treatment including medical evacuation from the premises to a licensed hospital or other medical facility for treatment in the event of an emergency. Saw Creek Estates, its officers, employees, agents and representatives agree to contact you at the phone number(s) listed above. Saw Creek Estates Community Association, its officers, employees, agents and representatives shall not be responsible for financial or other compensation of any kind relating to or arising from the provision of medical assistance, treatment or transport.

    As the parent or guardian of the participant I understand that the Saw Creek Estates Community Association, its officers, employees, agents and representatives are not prepared, trained or equipped to provide individual care or services to Campers with special needs or disabilities. Saw Creek Estates Community Association facilities are private facilities, open only to members and their guests. They are not a place of Public Accommodation as defined within the Americans with Disabilities Act. I/We understand that the Staff-to-Camper ratio is 1:5 and my child does not require any special attention or accommodations other than that provided to all other Camp participants. My child has no restrictions, physical impairments or any other conditions, which may tend to limit his/her participation in the Summer Day Camp program.

    I/We hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Saw Creek Estates Community Association, Inc. and its officers, employees, agents, and representatives, for any loss, liability, damage or costs and expenses including attorney fees which may be incurred due to the Camper’s participation in the Summer Day Camp program. It is our express intention to exempt and relieve Saw Creek Estates Community Association, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all liability whatsoever for personal harm, injury, property damage, or other loss related in any way to the participation of the camper in the Saw Creek Estates Summer Day Camp activities.

    I/We, the undersigned acknowledge and accept the foregoing and have affixed my signature below, intending to be fully bound by the terms, conditions and limitations stated herein. Including the expressed waiver and release of liability.

    This program is only available to members in good standing. All camp registrations will become null & void if the members account is not current, in accordance with the Associations Collection Policy and there will be no refunds for the convenience transaction fees should this occur. For more information please contact Member Services at
  • Price: $0.00
    The Processing fee is 2.95%
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.