If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the Saw Creek Estates Board of Directors, please complete the application no later than 12 pm on May 20th, 2025. Each application must accompany an electronic photo of the candidate for the biography. The Candidates will appear alphabetically by deeded last name on the voting materials and in all other SCE publications. Every year three (3) seats are available in the Association’s Board of Directors election. Provided below is some information that will be helpful in making your decision to serve. A complete guide for candidates with valuable information pertaining to the election and the SCE policies and procedures can be found on the resource center at www.sawcreek.org.
In order to qualify for the election:
1. Each candidate must be a deeded owner of a Saw Creek Estates property.
As a potential Board Member, you should be aware of the following responsibilities:
1. Board Members serve without compensation, perks, or special treatment.
2. Board Members must be available for regular and special meetings. Board of Directors meets every 2nd Saturday of the month for approximately 6 hours.
3. Board Members must be fair, reasonable and community-minded.
4. Board Members must be willing to set aside personal interests and agendas for the betterment of the community.
5. Board Members may be required to sign legal documents (e.g., liquor license, independent background check conducted by Liquor Control Board (LCB), contracts, check signing, etc.)
6. Board Members must be a liaison to at least one committee.
7. Board Members must be aware and knowledgeable of community documents which will be available on Resource Center at www.sawcreek.org.
8. Board Members may be required to obtain Volunteer Child Abuse Clearances through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. More information can be found by visiting the following link: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/default.aspx.
Timeline for 2025 Board of Directors Election:
Thursday, April 17th at 5 PM (EDT)-Tuesday, May 20th at 12 PM (EDT): All applications must be electronically submitted through the website at www.sawcreek.org and accompany an electronic photo of the candidate for the biography. The Candidates will appear alphabetically by deeded last name on the voting materials and in all other SCE publications. Candidates can have MSO take the headshot by appointment only by emailing Jessica VanDerVliet at jessica@sawcreek.org no later than Monday, May 19th.
Candidates have the capability of purchasing personal ads in the election edition of the Saw Creek News, at current rate. For pricing, availability, deadlines, etc. please contact Community Newspaper Publishers at (570) 476-3103 or email: mail@cnpnet.com. Newspaper delivery for the Election edition of the Newspaper will be delivered on or about Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025.
Submission Deadline: Monday, May 12th, 2025
Distribution: Tuesday, June 3rd
Saturday, June 14th 3 AM (EDT)-Thursday, July 17th 5 PM (EDT): Electronic voting takes place.
Saturday, July 19th: Annual Members Meeting, and the newly elected Board members begin their term. The Executive Board will announce the official results of the election. Tentative BOD orientation and reorganization meeting immediately following.
Saturday, August 9th: First Board of Directors meeting as a new Director.
Please complete the questions below. Completed application and picture will be electronically submitted to nominations@sawcreek.org by hitting the SUBMIT button.